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June 15, 2022

Voici les raisons pour lesquelles ces entreprises ontariennes ont rejoint le mouvement en faveur du salaire suffisant

Les entreprises de l’Ontario reconnaissent la différence entre le salaire minimum et un salaire suffisant, et décident de prendre des mesures. Deux propriétaires d’entreprises font part de leur expérience.
June 15, 2022

Why two Ontario employers joined the living wage movement

Some Canadian businesses owners are recognizing the difference between the minimum wage and a living wage, and taking action. Two Ontario business owners explain how paying employees more has been good for everyone.
May 22, 2022

Discover Ability Network supports job-seekers, employers to achieve inclusive employment

After years supporting employers, and connecting them with job seekers, the Discover Ability Network is about to host its first conference, the Diversity in Business ROI Conference.
May 20, 2022

Latest Building Future Ready Communities event explores multigenerational workforces

The Building Future Ready Communities: Virtual Tour is a series of virtual events across all regions of Canada. Each one focuses on an issue related to the future of work.
May 12, 2022

Discover Ability Network connects job seekers with disabilities to inclusive employers

Discover Ability Network provide businesses with the information they need to recruit, train, and retain persons with disabilities.
May 4, 2022

Will Ontario’s new ‘right to disconnect’ law help employees find work-life balance?

What will the right to disconnect from work mean for employers and employees in Ontario? Some businesses are already doing more to help staff find balance.
April 29, 2022

Disability inclusion means more than accommodation

Marlena Flick discusses how the Public Policy Forum’s Access Ability Project can help employers connect research to practice when hiring and promoting persons with disabilities.
April 12, 2022

Companies look to a four-day work week as employees demand more work-life balance

More companies are trying out the four-day work week to recruit and retain talent. Whether it’s just for the summer, or over the long term, some experts say a shortened work week can give workers more work-life balance and be just as productive for employers.
March 30, 2022

Why more job seekers are looking for work to ‘feed the soul’

Canadian employers are attracting top talent by showing they can ‘feed the soul’ and pockets of job seekers
March 23, 2022

How work-integrated learning benefits employers in remote, rural, and northern communities

Through work-integrated learning, employers in smaller communities can offer early talent an opportunity to experience life in a rural setting without the commitment of a permanent move.
March 15, 2022

Students risk being ‘highly qualified but underprepared’ when graduating without a network

Students should take advantage of opportunities to build their networks before they graduate college or university, says RBC vice president Mark Beckles.
February 28, 2022

New BACEL training program offers ‘roadmap’ to business success for Black entrepreneurs

Through free training in skills development and networking, as well as mentorship opportunities, BACEL helps aspiring Black entrepreneurs overcome long-standing barriers.
February 23, 2022

Inclusivity can help grow your business amid labour shortages

A recent panel discussion at the Canada 360° Economic Summit looked at how employers can use untapped talent to help their businesses grow and foster inclusivity for all Canadians.
February 18, 2022

Entrepreneur and philanthropist Mohamad Fakih says success follows from purpose

Fakih’s motto of “people, purpose and planet” means investing in the surrounding community and making staff active partners in his company’s operations.
February 14, 2022

Overcoming an “unprecedented” situation and enabling growth for businesses in Timmins

A partnership with Magnet helped the Timmins Chamber of Commerce connect local businesses with student talent, while also identifying opportunities for long-term capacity building.
February 11, 2022

Changing the talent narrative

This year’s Magnet Spark! Session at Cannexus22 explored the changing nature of experiential learning and its role in preparing students of all backgrounds for transitions into new opportunities.
February 8, 2022

Le rôle des microcertifications et du développement des compétences dans les changements de carrière

Les experts affirment que la précarité d’emploi est là pour rester. Les changements de carrière étant la norme, les microcertifications peuvent aider les chercheurs d’emploi à acquérir de nouvelles compétences et à trouver de nouvelles possibilités d’emploi.
February 4, 2022

How microcredentials and skills development can help facilitate career pivots

Experts say work precarity is here to stay for most. With career pivots the norm, microcredentials can help job seekers learn new skills and discover new opportunities.