Canada Labour Market at a Glance

Comparison of Labour Market Activity between Q3 2023 and Q4 2023

Between Q3 2023 and Q4 2023, employment, job vacancies, and online job postings declined. Employment across Canada continued to stay above 20 million in 2023, up one million since 2021. Job vacancies ended the year with just over 640,000 job vacancies reported across Canada, a substantial decline from the 910,000 reported at the end of 2021. In Q4 2023, 288,000 online job postings were reported across Canada, the lowest count of reported online job postings since Q3 2021. These trends continue to point towards a tightening labour market contributed by less job opportunities available, less job vacancies present and an employment level that has remained stagnant.


Labour Market

by Province

Canada’s Top & Bottom 5

Occupations by Online Job Postings (Net Growth)
