Magnet builds trusted partner networks and advances social innovation with tailored digital solutions for future-of-work challenges.

We convene innovators

Across the labour market ecosystem to collaborate on projects and initiatives. 

We support social innovation, and maintain deep-domain expertise

Through the design and administration of inclusive programs that support the future of work.

We take a systems approach to technology integration

Looking how existing technologies can be adapted and amplifying/accelerating technology solutions through mutually beneficial and novel partnerships.

We engage in thought leadership and knowledge mobilization activities

With a focus on inclusivity, social innovation and building connections that foster positive economic development and social prosperity.

Our Impact

Since 2014, Magnet has collaborated with partners nationwide to support workforce and economic development programs aimed at driving system-level change.

News & Articles

A view of downtown Calgary, Alberta.

Comment le portail TalentED YYC aide les employeurs à proposer des possibilités d’AIT

Ayant déjà permis d’offrir deux fois plus de possibilités d’apprentissage intégré au travail que les organisateurs ne l’avaient prévu, ce portail propulsé par Magnet, reliant sept établissements d’enseignement supérieur de Calgary, envisage de s’étendre à l’ensemble de l’Alberta.

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Réflexions sur MagnetAI : Encourager la collaboration et orienter l’adoption de l’IA pour l’avenir du travail au Canada

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